Surf Beach and Sunderland Bay Road and Drainage Upgrade Project Submissions and / or Objections
Initial information gathering and questionnaire
Initial engagement of the project was undertaken from October to December 2021. A summary report of the feedback we received from the community has been produced and can be downloaded in the useful document section below.
Concept plan development questionnaire
Engagement was undertaken from May to June 2022 and received 394 questionnaires completed by property owners. A summary report of the feedback we received from the community has been produced and can be downloaded in the useful document section below.
Community Reference Group
In September - October 2022, 73 of 135 property owners that volunteered their time to assist with being part of a Community Reference Group (CRG) provided feedback on concept option development for the potential road and drainage upgrade project. 4 example concept options were presented to the property owners and various design elements that could be incorporated into options were selected by the CRG. To assist selection of design elements, indicative cost ranges for different design elements were provided to CRG members. The results from the feedback assisted to shape the concept options that were later presented to the wider community so that a preferred option could be selected.
Concept Option Adopted
In November - December 2022, 3 concept options were presented to the community which have been developed based on the questionnaire results and feedback from the CRG. Indicative cost ranges for the options have also been included to assist property owners to make their choice. There was also feedback provided by property owners on their preferred treatment option, such as reducing or removing concrete footpaths and also not using speed humps.
At the Council meeting in March 2023, the Concept Plan Option 1 (with modifications) was adopted as the preferred concept option for a potential future road and drainage upgrade project. The concept plans are shown in the 'Useful Documents' section. The modifications will reduce costs, avoid impacts on native vegetation and retain the characteristics of the area and include:
- Traffic calming treatments of single lane road narrowings instead of speed humps. The road narrowings will improve the characteristics and allow more opportunity for increased landscaping and vegetation.
- Roads widths are going to be narrowed, similar to Cape Woolamai. There will also be additional road width reductions in selected locations to avoid native vegetation impacts, which will be worked out in detailed design. This will reduce overall costs of the project and reduce impacts to native vegetation.
- Concrete footpaths will only be included on the main connecting roads, such as The Esplanade, Batman Street, Glen Street and Dunvegan Crescent. Footpaths will be meandered to avoid impacts on native vegetation.
- Coloured threshold treatments at selected Y and cross road intersections to improve road safety and better distinguish road priorities. The cost of these treatments is negligible.
Preferred Concept Plan Development
Following the latest community consultation and recent petition, Council are making changes to the preferred concept plan that align with the feedback received.
These include:
- Narrower road widths (like Cape Woolamai),
- Footpaths only on the main connector roads (The Esplanade, Batman St, Glen St and Dunvegan Cres)
- Single lane narrowings instead of speed humps for traffic calming
- Selected sections of road widths will be further reduced
- Footpaths will meander along the nature strips to avoid impacting on native vegetation.
Road narrowings will also provide more opportunity to undertake additional nature strip vegetation planting. This will enhance wildlife habitats and provide additional space for swale drains to improve water quality down stream.
These modifications will lower the overall costs, be more environmentally friendly and improve the character of the area.
Council advises our community to please note that the concept plans are subject to change. Traffic calming treatments, road widths and footpath alignments are indicative only. If the project eventually proceeds, these locations and widths will be further determined in detailed design.
An illustration, plan and cross section example of a road narrowing along Batman St is shown below to show how the street scape will be visually enhanced from potential works.
A one page summary of the community submissions and/or objections has been provided in the document attached below:
This step of community engagement involved presenting concept plan options to the community which were developed based on the questionnaire results and community reference group feedback so that a preferred option could be selected by the community. Indicative cost ranges for the options were also included to assist the property owners. The questionnaire responses will also be reviewed street by street to develop the concept plan options and locate any additional features such as landscaping and traffic calming.
A summary report has been attached in the Use Documents Section.
A summary report of the feedback provided by the Community Reference Group in regards to concept options is attached in the below link:
Engagement was undertaken from May to June 2022 and received 394 questionnaires complete by property owners.
The next step in the process is to develop several options of concept plans that align with the questionnaire results so that a preferred option can be selected by the community. There is likely to be a minimal cost option, then several other options with additional features included with indicative cost ranges. The questionnaire responses will also be reviewed street by street to develop concept plan options and locate any additional features such as street characteristic enhancements, traffic calming and intersection upgrades.
From October - December 2021 a questionnaire was sent to property owners within the Sunderland Bay and Surf Beach estates in November 2021, asking if property owners thought there was a need for road and drainage improvements in the area and if they would be prepared to contribute towards upgrades.
A summary of the information gathering and questionnaire results can be found here.
Check out the feedback received on our interactive map