About the Project
Investing in our regional centre will make Wonthaggi an even more appealing place to shop and stroll, dine outdoors and provide locals and visitors abundant opportunities to discover our rich history. There will also be plenty of opportunities to play and recharge in our green spaces that are abundant throughout town.
Acknowledged in Plan Melbourne as one of seven Victorian Regional Centres, Wonthaggi is able to forge greater economic and social links with Melbourne. With significant increases in urban emigration to regions anticipated, Wonthaggi is primed for positive change that will support new jobs and attract continued investment in the town and region.
Council seeks continued investment in projects designed to transform the amenity, functionality, connectivity and safety of Wonthaggi's town centre.
Wonthaggi's streets and playgrounds have had major improvements in recent years with an updated playspace in Apex Park and a new regional playspace at Guide Park now in operation. Pedestrian upgrades at Graham and Murray Streets and the Biggs and Murray Street intersection upgrade have been completed and smart parking has also been implemented to help ease traffic congestion.
Eight key directions have been strongly supported by the community throughout the engagement process. These have been embedded in the Wonthaggi placemaking strategies.
- Create inclusive spaces for young people
- Encourage opportunities to connect the local community
- Acknowledge town history
- Celebrate local identity
- Encourage tourism
- Build town centre atmosphere
- Improve walkability and connection
- Improve the look and feel of the town
The following additional themes have been identified as a result of community consultation.
- Community connection – Events and activities that encourage a sense of belonging and connection to the community.
- Town identity – Create a sense of place and identity that reflects the local history and character that makes people want to visit
- Walkable streets – Improve the look and feel of the town centre
- Vibrant public spaces – Activate underutilised public spaces to improve visitation, safety and use.
- Active local economy – Activities that will activate the local economy for both locals and tourism.