This project is a further stage of the Cowes Rhyll Road path link.

Stage 2 and 3 of this project are being delivered concurrently.

Stage 2 - This 800 metre section of the trail will see upgrades to the boardwalk, widened paths to shared path standards, and upgrading the approach to Conservation Hill from gavel to concrete.

Stage 3 - This stage will include the upgrade of a section of gravel path to shared trails standards. Design is currently underway.

This project is a collaboration between Phillip Island Nature Parks and Bass Coast Shire.

Community benefit

The aim of this project is to improve access for pedestrians for the community. These works will give the community a connection to the existing stage one of the Cowes Rhyll Road pathway.

Cowes to Rhyll Path - Stage 2 & 3 Alignment

Map showing Cowes to Rhyll Stage 2 Alignment

Cowes to Rhyll Path - 5 Stages

Map showing the 5 stages of the project