Bass Coast Shire Council awarded a contract to RJC Electrical Solutions Pty Ltd to carry out the Design and Construction of Oval lightings at Oval 2 Wonthaggi Recreation Reserve. This project represents yet another significant investment in sport and recreation facilities across the Shire.

This field lighting project was identified as a priority within Council’s Active Bass Coast Plan. Active Bass Coast Plans sets a 10-year Plan for the provision of open space and recreation services and facilities across the municipality.



Council's Contractor RJC Electrical has commenced works onsite today with installation of conduits.

These works are anticipated to be completed in June 2023.

This project will result in:

  • Design, Supply & Installation of four lighting poles and lighting fixtures, including associated ancillary infrastructure to cater for 100 Lux LED lighting of the reserves.
  • Removal of existing lighting poles and lighting fixtures.

This field lighting project was identified as a priority within Council’s Active Bass Coast Plan. Active Bass Coast Plans sets a 10-year Plan for the provision of open space and recreation services and facilities across the municipality. This project has been developed through an assessment of the existing lighting and planning towards the provision of fully compliant lighting to AFL amateur level semi-professional competition level with 100 Lux LED lightings.

The total project cost is in the order of $ 290,000 which is mainly funded by Sports and Recreation Victoria (SRV $500,000 for both Oval 2 Lighting Towers and Soccer Pavilion), and BCSC Energy Efficiency Action Plan ($90,000).

  • Appropriate traffic and pedestrian control measures will be implemented onsite during these works. This will be a construction zone and that we appreciate that for your own safety and others that access will be restricted. Our staff and contractor will keep in contact with key recreational user groups who may be impacted by these works. We appreciate that these works may present an inconvenience and we ask for your patience during these times. Our contractor will make every effort to minimise disruptions to recreation reserve users.
  • The use of heavy plant and machinery including noisy and vibration works for construction, a crane for lighting pole installations, and use of trucks for removal or delivery of materials.

Photo Gallery

New light towers