Wonthaggi Recreation Reserve is the premier sporting and recreation precinct in the Bass Coast Shire. The Wonthaggi Recreation Reserve Masterplan outlines key priority projects for delivery. Council is seeking to partner with Government to deliver the full Recreation Reserve Master Plan which includes 46 separate projects for the Reserve with full implementation estimated at approximately $8.6 million.

Sport is a major source of community activity, health and connection in Wonthaggi. Investment in the Wonthaggi Recreation Reserve will ensure the Bass Coast’s growing population has access to the high quality community sporting facilities required in a Regional Sporting Hub.

The reserve comprises of two sports ovals, cricket practice nets/multi-purpose space, seven netball courts, seven tennis courts, two croquet lawns, a table tennis hall and associated pavilions and clubrooms to support these amenities. The reserve also contains a skate park, a small playground, dog obedience training facility and various open space areas including a small re-growth bushland area. Of note is the location of the Bass Coast Aquatic and Leisure Centre in the northeast corner of the reserve, which is the Shire’s main indoor leisure centre, and that the reserve is the site for the annual Wonthaggi Show.

The Victorian Government has provided funding for new change rooms and lighting on Recreation 2 for the Wonthaggi United Soccer Club, alongside funding for a new Croquet Pavilion and Tennis Pavilion. Plans are currently being developed for a new netball pavilion, and subsequent relocation of the existing play space as per the master plan, creating an opportunity to seek funding for the construction of these facilities over the next 12 months. Plans for the refurbishment of the away football change rooms and fitness space within the pavilion are currently being finalised with works anticipated to be undertaken next financial year.