Stage 2 of Rhyll Playspace started in March 2023 and was completed in October 2023, behind the Rhyll Angling Club. Planned Constructions Pty Ltd was appointed to undertake these works, after a competitive tender process.


7 October 2023

Works have been completed and playspace is open to the public.

The aim of this project is to complete the balance of the works, following from Stage 1, while providing a nature themed children's recreation area.
These works will include construction of a play tower, installation of a spiral slide and a connection bridge between two towers, as well as eating, landscaping, boardwarks and pathways.

The total project cost is in the order of $300,000. Jointly funded by the Victorian Government’s Growing Suburb Fund ($235,000) which supports the infrastructure needs of Melbourne interface and peri-urban communities and Council’s adopted Capital works open space renewal program 2022/23.