About the Project
This project is to finish the remaining gap from Cypress Court to the Foreshore to allow a safe pedestrian link and separation between vehicles and pedestrians. These works will give residents along the streets and the greater area, a safe pedestrian connection to existing footpath network.
The project has linked the existing footpath along Red Rocks Road to the Foreshore path and beach access.
- Construction of a 1.5-metre-wide 125mm thick fibre reinforced concrete path from Cypress Court to the Foreshore including service adjustments for water, power and Telstra services, and alterations to stormwater, where required.
- Minor vegetation trimming and removal to allow for the construction of the new footpath. All necessary permits and approvals have been secured.
- New footpath laybacks, kerb and drainage at intersections and connections, as required.
These works were funded by Council’s Pathway Gaps Program 2022/23 in the order of $160,000.
- This new footpath completes the link between Settlement Rd and the Foreshore.
- The aim of this project is to improve access for pedestrians and the community. These works will give residents along the streets and the greater area, a safe connection to the existing footpath network.
Long term financial plan – Footpath GAPS Program.
Pathways - https://www.basscoast.vic.gov.au/services/roads-footpaths/roads-pathways