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Parking Restrictions

Bass Coast Shire Council is often contacted by residents concerned over parking restrictions, access to driveways or vehicles obstructing vision of oncoming traffic due to parking near intersections.

Council's parking inspectors can enforce parking restrictions and timed parking.

These parking regulations help to:

  • keep turnover of parking consistent in high activity areas, allowing all motorists an opportunity to park in high-demand parking bays
  • deter people from parking in areas where they risk the safety of pedestrians or may prevent drivers from having a clear view of roads (especially in school zones and around school crossings)
  • to allow access and movement for all vehicles.

Should you have any suggestions for implementation of or changes to parking restrictions, please contact us.

Council is often contacted by residents concerned with illegal and unsafe parking.

Some common concerns reported include:

  • Illegal and unsafe parking around schools
  • Trucks parked in residential streets
  • Vehicles parked on nature strips
  • A parked vehicle blocking a driveway
  • A parked vehicle which is facing towards oncoming traffic
  • A vehicle parked too close to an intersection
  • A parked vehicle blocking access for emergency vehicles or causing traffic delays.

Time limits

Time limits are set on parking spaces to allow as many people as possible to have access to an area.

Where a parking control sign applies to a length of road or an area, you must not park there continuously for longer than the period allowed.

This sign means you park only for 15 minutes from 8 am to 5 pm on school days.

Note: Double Time permits allow the holder, as the driver or passenger, to park in a standard parking bay for double the time on the parking sign.

No stopping

No Stopping means no stopping at all. This means you cannot stop even if you are only letting someone out of the car, and regardless of whether you leave the engine running and stay in the car.

No stopping zones can also be defined by yellow kerb markings.

Double parking

It is an offence to double park.

When parking in a two-way street you must park on the left hand side of the road. Your vehicle must face the direction of travel, that is: passenger side must be parked to the kerb and not the steering wheel side, except in a one-way street.

Parking across driveway

Drivers must not park across a driveway and always allow clear passage for access and egress.

Drivers must not park in a driveway whilst waiting to pick up or when dropping off a student.

Accessible parking

An accessible parking space can only be used by someone with a blue-on-white disabled parking permit, or by a driver who is parking the car so that the disabled permit holder can get in or out of the car. Permits are only valid when the disabled person is travelling in the vehicle.

Australian Disability Parking permits do not allow you to:

- park in restricted locations such as Clearways, No Stopping or No Parking Areas, Taxi Only Areas, Bus Zones, and Authorised Resident Areas

- park for free in areas where parking fees apply.

Australian Disability Parking permits do allow you to:

- park a vehicle in an accessible parking bay for the time displayed on the sign, or

- park in a standard parking bay for double the time displayed on the parking sign.

The driver must give his/her name and address and produce his/ her driver’s licence and the permit when asked to do so by police or a parking officer.

Parking near intersection

10 metres to an intersection. Unless there is a sign saying that you can, you are not allowed to park, stop or leave your vehicle within 10 metres of an intersection without traffic lights.

We must ensure that parking spaces are shared fairly by the community.

To keep children safe around schools, Council is proactive on education and enforcement.

Council encourages all residents to make sure they understand their responsibility.

Driver's responsibility

A licensed driver is expected to be aware of the road rules and adhere to them at all times.

Drivers are responsible for understanding parking restrictions in their school zone and to ensure they obey the parking rules to keep our school children, pedestrians and other road users safe.

You must park within the marked lines of a parking bay. A driver cannot stop on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path, dividing strip, or a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area, unless there is permissive signage.

Council’s parking officers regularly patrol schools and they will issue infringements when signs or regulations are not obeyed. Infringements can be affixed to the vehicle or posted to the registered owner of the vehicle.

Parking safety tips

If you park on the roads or streets around your children’s school:

  1. Allow enough time to take your child to school safely. Consider parking a little bit further away and walking a short distance to school.
  2. Observe all traffic control signs and the directions of the school crossing supervisors.
  3. Plan with your child when and where they can be picked up safely. Find locations where it is safe to get out of the car and cross the road.
  4. NEVER call your child across the road. Running across the road is dangerous for your child

Council has Smart Parking to areas of Cowes and Wonthaggi.

Smart Parking is a proven way to better manage our available parking using technology to help drivers save time finding an available bay and provide better access to businesses.

You can download the free app that helps you find available parking spaces from Google Play or Apple Play (links below)

Google Play - Bass Coast Parking

Apple Play - Bass Coast Parking

For more information on the project, please click on the link below.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Phone 1300 BCOAST (226 278) or (03) 5671 2211 or via the National Relay Service (for people with speech or hearing difficulties) on 13 36 77
In writing

76 McBride Avenue
Wonthaggi VIC 3995