Project Summary

Bass Coast Shire Council has appointed Asco Group (Aust) Pty Ltd for the design and construction of the new toilet facility at Smiths Beach.

Council anticipates some preliminary works to occur onsite in April 2024 to miss the peak season for beach access with all works to be delivered by September 2024, subject to favourable weather, contractor, and supplier availability.

The Smiths Beach foreshore location currently features a range of accessible services for people with disabilities, such as a beach access ramp and a beach wheelchair service that is delivered by Council and the Woolamai Beach Surf Lifesaving Club. To complement these services and better support the community needs of people with disability, the design for a renewal of the toilet building will incorporate a changing facility and storage room for the Woolamai Beach Surf Life Saving Club to store beach wheelchairs and other accessibility equipment.

The total project cost is in the order of $485,837.00 which is funded by a Changing Places grant ($154,000) and Bass Coast Shire Council ($331,837).

  • Some native vegetation removal is required during the works and will be reinstated in new location.
  • Appropriate traffic and pedestrian control measures will be implemented during these works. No road closure is expected.
  • The project will result in some noise from heavy plant and machinery used for demolition of existing toilet block, some earthmoving equipment and use of trucks for removal, installation of equipment or delivery of materials to the site.
  • Access to the beach via the accessible ramp will not be disturbed.

Final Design

Smiths Beach Toilet Final Design

Completed Works