San Remo Structure Plan

Over the next 20 years, it is projected that San Remo will grow by between 400 and as much 2100 additional permanent residents.

For San Remo to continue to be a vibrant place to live and visit, Bass Coast Shire Council is developing a Structure Plan to guide its future growth and development to 2041.

The San Remo Structure Plan will be informed by technical reports and feedback from the preliminary community consultation, and will provide direction for future planning controls, planning permit applications and capital works.

Outcomes from Preliminary Community Consultation

Preliminary Community Consultation was undertaken from 26 October 2023 to 8 December 2023.

This round of consultation captured:

  • 137 social mapping markers on various themes from 46 separate contributors; and
  • 21 nominations for the Community Reference Group.

For more information on the 2023 Community Consultation for the San Remo Structure Plan, please refer to the attached Community Consultation Summary Report in the Document Library.

Community Reference Group

Throughout the Preliminary Community Consultation in 2023, there was 21 nominations for the San Remo Structure Plan Community Reference Group (CRG).

Council has formed the CRG which is made up of 11 individuals comprising of a mix of San Remo locals, workers or business owners.

The CRG members will participate in four separate in-person workshops throughout the first half of 2024 to help design and plan for the future of San Remo to feed into the Draft Structure Plan.