As you may or may not be aware, a minor landslip occurred during significant rainfall events in August 2022. The minor landslip was located on Loch Wonthaggi Road, Ryanston 100 metres north of Milne Road. See location map attached and photo below. Council's Infrastructure Maintenance team acted quickly to provide temporary warning signage on this section of road for public and road users safety.
Loch Wonthaggi Road is a vital rural link road which is Council’s highest level rural road and provides key linkages across the shire. This road services public commuters, agricultural, dairy vehicles, and school buses.
Emergency works were funded by Council in the order of $30,000.
These works involved:
- Retaining rock wall structure.
- Placement of locally sourced fill to repair the batter slope.
- Extend the current drainage culvert pipe
- Reinstate crushed rock on the road shoulder