Project Summary

Bass Coast Shire Council appointed TS Constructions Pty Ltd to undertake the refurbishment of the Rhyll Mechanics Hall toilets, storeroom and access pathways. Construction commenced in mid November and was completed in May 2024.

This project included the upgrade of amenities to address the current demands of the Rhyll Hall user groups.

The project involves the upgrade of amenities to address the current demands of Rhyll Hall user groups and also bring the building in line with current Australian standards.

The total project cost is in the order of $714,890 which funded by the Universal Design ($100,000) and Council ($614,890).

  • No native vegetation removal required during the works.
  • Demolition of existing toilet block and concrete footings.
  • Accessible pathways connect the car park to the building and toilet block.
  • New toilet blocks in compliance with Universal Design Requirements.
  • Appropriate traffic and pedestrian control measures will be implemented during these works. No road closure is expected.
  • Our staff and contractor will notify nearby residents and user groups who may be impacted by these works.
  • The project will result in noise and vibration from heavy plant and machinery used for construction, including earthmoving equipment and use of trucks and cranes for removal, installation of equipment or delivery of materials to the site.

Location of Works

Location of Works