About The Project

Preventing family violence and fostering cultural and institutional change stand as pivotal strategies in addressing the pressing issues faced by women in the Gippsland Region. With some of the highest rates of family violence in Victoria, women in the region confront significant challenges exacerbated by limited access to essential services and housing. The stark statistics, such as Bass Coast’s ranking at #23 out of 79 LGAs in Victoria for family violence rates, underscore the urgency of concerted action. Recognising the gravity of the situation, we have actively engaged in the Gippsland Free From Violence Partnership, spearheaded by Gippsland Womens Health as a regional initiative toward primary prevention.

As current participants in the Free From Violence Local Government Grant Program through the Victorian Government, we have utilised our resources to fortify internal mechanisms for identifying and addressing family violence. Our efforts have also extended to revitalising crucial partnerships, particularly with major employers in the region, through Workplace Active Bystander Training. Moreover, we have integrated primary prevention principles into our organisational fabric, including induction processes. These endeavours have been supported by dedicated full-time equivalent (FTE) committed to fostering critical conversations that challenge entrenched attitudes and norms driving gender inequality.

However, the sustainability of our efforts hinges on continued support and resources. As we approach the conclusion of the three-year funding period, the prospect of losing this vital resource looms large. Without sustained investment, our capacity to meaningfully contribute to primary prevention efforts will be severely curtailed. It is imperative that we secure ongoing support to maintain momentum and effect lasting change in our community’s approach to combating family violence and promoting gender equality.