Project Summary
Bass Coast Shire Council appointed James G Morrison Builders Pty Ltd for the design and construction of a new public accessible toilet and barbecue facility at the Pioneer Bay Community Toilet Facility (Stage 1).
Council would like to acknowledge the work of the former Pioneer Bay Community Asset Committee who advocated strongly for this project. Their fundraising efforts will also part fund delivery of Stage 1.
- This project seeks to deliver the renewal of community facilities as part of Council's objective to contribute to the social health and well-being of the surrounding community.
- Following extensive investigation and consultation, the Pioneer Toilet Facility will provide universal access, public safety and comply with current Australian Standards.
The total project cost is in the order of $300,000 and is fully funded by Council as part of the Building and Open Space Capital Works Program.
- Demolition and removal of the existing landscape and exercise equipment area.
- Installation of a new modular toilet block including two unisex cubicles and one accessible cubicle.
- Other ancillary works such as an accessible carparking bay, concrete footpaths, roadworks, and final reinstatement works will also be completed.
- Appropriate traffic and pedestrian control measures will be implemented onsite during these works. This site will be a construction zone and for your own safety and that of others, there will be some access restrictions.
- The use of plant and machinery including noisy, and vibration works during demolition and construction.
- For further information on other accessible toilet locations, please visit