Council has appointed Stabilise Pavements Australia Pty Ltd and SR Excavations under annual supply contracts, to complete Road Pavement renewal works along Stewarts Road, extending 800 metres from the Inverloch Kongwak Road intersection to the Scotts Estate Road intersection (refer to the below map).

Construction will begin mid-March 2023 and is anticipated to be completed in April 2023, subject to favourable weather conditions.

  • The renewal of this section of Stewarts Road ensures that Council’s Road network is sustainable and can continue to provide appropriate levels of service for road users well into the future.

These works are funded in the order of $450,000 by Bass Coast Shire Council and South Gippsland Shire Council’s Capital Works Programs 2022/23.

  • Changes in traffic movements will include lane closures controlled by traffic controllers/traffic lights with a 40 km/hr worksite speed restriction. Outside of normal working hours, the road will be open to traffic with adjusted speed limits. Please follow all traffic control measures onsite.
  • Pipe culvert upgrades and extensions.
  • Over 800 metres of road pavement renewal by adding crushed rock overlay, and foam bitumen stabilisation to the existing road pavement.
  • Road sealing work, including line marking and other associated road infrastructure.
  • Appropriate traffic control measures will be implemented onsite during these works. This will be a construction zone and we appreciate that for your own safety and others that access will be restricted. Our staff and contractor will notify nearby residents who may be impacted by these works.
  • The use of heavy plant and machinery for construction including noisy work and vibrations such as stabilisation treatment and use of trucks for removal and/or delivery of materials.

Location of Works

Location of works