Council has commenced Emergency Works to the Timber Seawall along the Inverloch East Foreshore area. MAW Civil Marine Pty Ltd have been awarded the Contract for this project, as part of Council’s adopted Capital Works Program 2022/2023.

The primary objective of these works is to protect key infrastructure from erosion, including the shared pathway, The Esplanade Road and underground services. Other benefits include the protection of the beach and coastal vegetation.

Over the past decade, erosion in the area has increased and the existing structures that were built to minimize erosion are now degraded. During storm surge events, waves overtop or pass through the seawalls, taking away material and coastal vegetation. This has resulted in rubble being deposited on the nearby beach. The existing structures are also a risk to the safety of beach users.

  • Maintenance of amenity for public use by protecting public assets, including the shared pathway and road asset.
  • Council has recently completed installation of rock bag erosion protection measures along the Inverloch East Foreshore Restoration works. The timber seawall refurbishments are a further compliment to these works and will offer additional protection to our foreshore.

This project is funded by Council’s Open Space renewal program. The total construction project cost is in the order of $130,000.

The project will include, but is not limited to:

  • No native vegetation removal required during the works.
  • The site is located along The Esplanade south of the Anderson Ave intersection.
  • Appropriate traffic and pedestrian control measures will be implemented at the Inverloch East foreshore area during these works. Significant truck and trailer movements will be experienced by landowners within the area. This will be a construction zone and for your own safety and others, there will be some beach access restrictions. Limited emergency access will be provided.
  • Our staff and contractor will notify nearby residents and user groups who may be impacted by these works. We appreciate that these works may present an inconvenience to some. We ask for your patience during these works.
  • The project will result in noise and vibration from heavy plant and machinery used for construction, including earthmoving equipment and use of trucks for removal or delivery of materials to site.

Before and After

Before After