About the Project

Bass Coast has an aging population and Council is wanting to assist our residents to age gracefully in their homes, while remaining part of the community. Due to the topography in Bass Coast, Council has difficulty constructing footpaths and parking bays that are fully DDA compliant. This ‘ask’ is related to DDA compliant parking bays

Council is seeking funding to undertake an audit of the estimated 130 existing municipal DDA parking bays in terms of standards compliance, and to undertake works to bring the bays up to current standard. Without the audit being undertaken the extent of works is unknown, but it is estimated the cost will be about $750,000.

In addition, Victoria has a ‘second level’ form of DDA permit (called double time permits). Again, due to our aging population, Council would like to investigate the creation of parking bays, which would not have the same geometric constraints as DDA bays, but would be available solely for use by holder of DDA and double time permits. Such action will potentially require alterations to Victorian road law and should be undertaken as a collaborative venture including a variety of technical and advisory groups. (eg MAV, other Councils, Access and Inclusion bodies – including medical input as to abilities of those with the different types of DDA permits.)