• Construction of about 725 metres of new fibre reinforced concrete 2.5 metre wide shared footpath along Smythe Street between Balcombe to Jamieson Streets, Corinella and a section between No. 319 and No. 333 Guy Road, Tenby Point.
  • Construction of approximately 750 metres of boardwalk throughout the project.
  • About 4.7 kilometres of 2.5 metres wide gravel shared path.
  • Vegetation clearing in accordance with approved planning permit conditions. Vegetation offsets have been secured.
  • Installation of drainage and culvert extension works including appropriate signage.
  • Reinstatement works, as required
  • Appropriate traffic and pedestrian control measures will be implemented onsite during these works. This will be a construction zone and for your own safety and others, there will be some access restrictions, single traffic lane closures as required. As always, emergency vehicle access to properties will be maintained at all times.
  • The use of heavy plant and machinery including noisy and vibration works for construction including earthworks and use of trucks for removal or delivery of materials.