About the Project

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on what the future of Graydens Reserve could look like. Consultation has now closed and our officers have commenced their review.

Late last year we asked for expressions of interest to make up a panel of community members who have a connection to the Reserve to help us co-design the community engagement for Graydens Reserve. This panel of 18 community members met in February this year and spoke about the uses of the Reserve. We heard that it is a popular place for birthday parties, gatherings for families and friends, a stop-off on the way home from school and to and from the Island.

Between 15 May and 16 June, we asked the community about what they would like to see in the reserve through a number of surveys and invited them to an information session on Tuesday 28 May.

Planning for the future we also need to take into account that part of current area of the Reserve is owned by Regional Roads Victoria and will be used for a roundabout in coming years.

Next steps

We will review all the feedback then invite community to check out the draft designs to make sure we got the mix right.

Future re-alignment of road

Help us understand what matters to you at Graydens Reserve

Fill out a survey and vote on your favourite things

Childrens survey

Grown Ups Survey

Vote here

Vote for skate