About the Project

Bass Coast Shire Council recognises the role extractive industries play in the state’s economy and infrastructure development. However, we also acknowledge the significant community concerns surrounding these industries, particularly in relation to environmental impacts and increased traffic movements. It is imperative to strike a balance that respects both economic needs and the preservation of our natural environment.

Our community has voiced strong concerns regarding the extractive industries operating within our region. There is a clear need for greater balance, ensuring that the benefits of these industries do not come at the expense of our local environment and community well-being. To address these concerns, we advocate for enhanced community consultation and transparency in all aspects of extractive industry operations.

The Bass Coast Shire is home to unique and valuable remnant vegetation, particularly within the Westernport Woodlands. These woodlands are critical to our local biodiversity, providing habitat for numerous native species and contributing to the ecological health of our region. Protecting and enhancing this vegetation is paramount. As such, we call for stringent measures to safeguard these natural assets from the adverse impacts of extractive activities.

Biolinks are essential in our Shire for maintaining ecological connectivity and supporting biodiversity. They facilitate the movement and survival of wildlife across our landscape, ensuring that ecosystems remain resilient and functional. The Bass Coast Shire Council is committed to promoting and enhancing these biolinks as part of our broader environmental strategy.

The Extractive Resource Interest Area (ERIA) within our Shire is a focal point of concern, particularly as large portions of it are covered in remnant vegetation that is unlikely to be developed. We strongly advocate for a comprehensive review of the ERIA, ensuring that the process includes appropriate levels of community consultation. This review must consider the environmental significance of these areas and the community’s perspective on their future.

Until the review of the ERIA is completed, we call for a moratorium on the issuance of new planning permits or work authorities for extractive activities. This pause is necessary to ensure that no further environmental degradation occurs while the review process is underway.

We propose that royalties raised from quarry operations be reinvested into local infrastructure projects, particularly in areas most affected by extractive activities. This investment would help mitigate the impacts on our community and ensure that the benefits of these industries are more equitably distributed.

Greater transparency regarding the current and future operations of quarries, as well as their rehabilitation plans and timelines, is essential. The community has a right to be informed about these activities, and we advocate for clear, accessible, and timely information to be made available to all stakeholders.

Bass Coast Shire Council is committed to advocating for policies and practices that balance the needs of extractive industries with the protection of our environment and the well-being of our community. We urge all stakeholders to engage in a transparent, consultative process to achieve sustainable outcomes for our Shire.