About the Project
Wonthaggi is acknowledged in Plan Melbourne as one of seven Victorian Regional Centres. Council proposes Wonthaggi would be an ideal location for a government agency or the development of a Gov Hub. Council seeks to work closely with the State Government in assessing the options for decentralisation of services to assist the Victorian Government to support the economic prosperity of the region.
There are multiple opportunies across Bass Coast. For example, Phillip Island is the second most tourism reliant town in Australia behind Uluru and would suit State Government tourism and environmental services departments. These opportunities would deliver sustainable public sector employment opportunities and career paths for local people first and foremost, whilst also attracting those living in Melbourne to Bass Coast.
Further to this and with work-from-home now a realistic option, Bass Coast is the ideal destination for skilled workers and their families. With renewed interest in regional locations, especially those within commuting distance of Melbourne, we seek organisational policies to support State Government employees who wish to live in Bass Coast and work from home or in a hybrid model.