About the Project

The new coastal protection structures within the section of the Cowes foreshore between Rose Avenue and Coghlan Road have been completed.

Eight new timber groynes were installed and a new 300 metre rock seawall was constructed. These works were undertaken to protect the foreshore, including the beach, dunes and public access from erosion.

Over the past decade, erosion in the area has increased and the existing structures that were built to minimize erosion are now degraded. During storm surge events, waves overtop or pass through the seawalls, taking away important sand and coastal vegetation.

  • Council has recently completed installation of eight (8) new timber groynes in December 2021 as Stage 1 of Cowes East Foreshore Restoration works. The new rock revetment works (Final Stage) are continuation of the foreshore restoration works.
  • The purpose of the rock revetment wall is to improve the beach amenity for public use, protect the existing shoreline from erosion by absorbing wave energy and provide significant protection to the beach and native vegetation.
  • Bass Coast Shire Council (BCSC) with funding from the Australian Government and assistance from Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), constructed a 360 metre rock revetment wall at the Cowes East Foreshore between Rose Avenue and Coghlan Road to prevent foreshore erosion. The rock revetment is a permanent wall structure of rocks designed to protect and prevent long term damage from coastal erosion. Revetments are sloping structures comprised of various layers of large stones and geo-textiles placed on shorelines used to prevent shoreline loss.

The total project costs for the construction of eight new timber groynes and 300 metre rock seawall is $3.35 million.

This includes the $720,147 for design and construction of the groynes and $2.64 million for design and construction of the seawall.

Council received $1.1 million in grant funding from the Federal Government towards this project.

After Photos

Completion photos.

Before Photos

Waves overtopping or passing through the current deteriorated seawalls is resulting in the erosion of coastal land, further threatening assets.