Bass Coast Shire Council appointed Bridgewater Marine Pty Ltd to upgrade the existing boat ramp and jetty at Anderson Road, Cowes. These works were funded in the order of $2.8 million by Better Boating Victoria.

The aim of this project is to upgrade the existing boat ramp and the jetty to provide better access and improve usability.

These works will include an extension and elevation of the boat ramp and extension and elevation of existing landings on the jetty.

The Contractor is planning to undertake pre-commencement works (service locations, site mobilisation, traffic sign installation and coffer dam installation) on the week starting 29 May 2023.

Council recognises that it can be a challenge to deliver the necessary works and not affect the residents, businesses, and facility users, especially when much of our work is determined by weather conditions.

The total project cost is in the order of $2.8 million which is funded by Better Boating Victoria (BBV). BBV are in the process of upgrading existing regional boating facilities to cater the increasing demand of recreational boating in Victoria.

  • There will be no access to the boat ramp and the jetty throughout the duration of the project.
  • Fences will be in place on the beach encompassing the work area. Refer to the site layout plan.
  • Boat ramp users will need to seek alternate boating facilities for boat launching during the site’s closure during the construction period. Alternate boat launching facilities are located at Rhyll and Newhaven. For more information on local boat ramps please visit
  • The west side car and trailer parking will be closed, while the east side car park remains opened to the public.
  • The east side beach can be accessed through the walking track on the eastern car park, while a dedicated pedestrian pathway will be in place to access the west side beach behind the site compound.
  • There will be no berthing at the jetty.
  • As the construction works require a coffer dam, pumps will be in operation during night at most of the time. This is to keep the ramp area in dry condition to continue works on the following day.
  • Appropriate traffic and pedestrian control measures will be implemented onsite during these works. Variable Message Signs (VMS) will be in place to advise the closure of the ramp for the works.
  • This will be a construction zone and for your own safety and others, there will be some access restrictions, including complete closure of parts of the facility during construction. Limited emergency access will be provided.
  • The use of heavy plant and machinery including noisy, and vibration works for construction including use of cranes, pile rig and trucks for removal or delivery of materials etc.

Works Completed

Completed photo

Progress Video