About the project

The Traffic Accident Commission (TAC) has funded a much needed safety improvement project for pedestrians in eastern Cowes. Improvement works consist of raised pedestrian crossings (wombat crossings) that give priority to pedestrians, and also several speed humps to slow vehicles. The map below illustrates these proposed changes:

Overview of proposal

The works will also improve access to Berninneit, the Cowes Foreshore and the current Cowes Recreation Reserve, encouraging people to walk and freeing up car parking spaces. This aligns with Council objectives of promoting and encouraging active transport.

A review of streetlighting will also be undertaken. Dependent on available budget, some street lighting works will also be undertaken. This is still being determined after the design is complete.

If you have any questions contact the Sustainable Transport and Movement Team - details on the right of the screen.

Wombat crossing example:

Example of Wombat Crossing

Speed hump example

Example of Speed Hump

Raised intersection example

Example of Raised Intersection