About the Projects

Every four years, Council must develop strategic plans which set the goals and objectives for Council and the strategies for achieving them over the four year period.

Over the next 18 months, Council will be reviewing and updating four key strategic documents that affect all parts of our work:

  • Council Plan
  • Community Vision
  • Long Term Financial Plan
  • Asset Plan

Updating these documents requires Council to balance competing issues and make decisions that are fair for all while meeting the requirements of the Local Government Act.

Council is inviting community members to share their insights and help shape these four documents at this very early stage to ensure our vision and priorities for the future of Bass Coast are shared. It is our Bass Coast, and our future.

As we weigh up the challenges of cost-of-living increases, the ongoing crisis in housing affordability and availability, increasing infrastructure costs, a financially constrained budget, climate change adaptation, changes in energy usage, and the changing demographics of our Shire, we need to hear from you and understand your priorities for Council's focus areas for the next four years.

Future stages of plan preparation will include deliberative engagement with a community panel process to make big decisions about the future priorities of the shire. However, during this first foundational stage of consultation, we want to hear from as many community members as possible from as broad spectrum as possible on what they love most about Bass Coast, what needs to be protected and what services Council should be prioritising.

How to provide your feedback

There are a few ways to provide your feedback in this early stage of consultation:

  • Fill in the survey below to share your insights,
  • Come to one of several drop-in sessions and have a chat to Council officers about this and other projects, or
  • Follow this page to hear about engagement activities targeted towards different groups across Council.

What do we want to hear in person?

We'll be asking some of the same questions at the drop-in sessions as we do in the online survey. We'll be running 10 sessions over July and August all over the shire. The questions we'd like you to think about if you come in person is:

  1. What is one thing you love most about Bass Coast?
  2. What aspect(s) of Bass Coast do you feel are most important to protect and preserve?
  3. What priority services should the Council consider prioritising?
  4. What does your ideal future Bass Coast look like?

We hope to see you out in the community, but if not, we look forward to your survey response!

What's Next?

This is the first stage of consultation and there will be future opportunities including the establishment of a community panel. The information from this first foundational stage will be shared with the future community panel to aid their input in shaping the future strategic documents. Make sure to subscribe to this page for updates.

Provide your feedback here

Current strategic documents

  • Bass Coast Community Vision

    The Community Vision was developed by a community panel, made up of over 40 people representative of the Shire, who worked together to write the vision statement, aspirations and priorities for Bass Coast, for the next 20 years.

  • Council Plan 2021-25

    The Council Plan 2021-25 brings together feedback we have received through community engagement and identifies our priority focus areas over the next four years.

  • Long Term Financial Plan

    The Long Term Financial Plan provides an overview of Council’s financial position including the services we deliver and our approach to funding service delivery, the impact of rate capping, the impact of the pandemic, climate change adaptation and waste management.

  • Asset Plan

    The 2022 Asset Plan is a document that communicates the importance and magnitude of the infrastructure assets for which Bass Coast Shire Council (BCSC) is the custodian. It informs the community on how our Council-controlled infrastructure and other assets are to be managed to achieve the Council Plan objectives and Community Vision statement.