About the Project

Council has joined 100 other local governments across Australia in declaring a climate emergency, recognising the serious risk that climate change poses to safety of the entire Bass Coast community. Council and the community have confirmed a shared target of zero net emissions by 2030 and has developed a plan that recognises the role each can play. For further details on how you can get involved visit the Climate Action Portal.

In Bass Coast, climate change and severe weather events are impacting our coastal communities and environments now. Rising sea levels and coastal erosion is a concern for our community, with the Inverloch coast experiencing significant erosion in recent years, impacting local amenity, vegetation and infrastructure.

Our advocacy efforts seek funding for identified priorities and policy change.

  • Coastal Erosion

    The coastline at multiple locations around Bass Coast has experienced significant erosion. Public assets, values and infrastructure are now at risk of damage and loss.
    The shire l is a member of the Inverloch Regional and Strategic Partnership and we seek certainty that the recommendations from the report will be funded and delivered.
    We seek to work with all governments to measure, manage and mitigate coastal risks for our communities, before these hazards materialise as costly natural disasters.

  • Policy and Progress

    - Strengthen the national emissions reduction target to be consistent with the latest science
    - Incentivise and support low-income households to reduce emissions and energy bills
    - Implement a scheme for mandatory disclosure of energy ratings at point of lease and sale of residential and commercial properties
    - Unlock circular economy opportunities
    - Provide funding to support sustainable and regenerative agriculture programs, that encourage farm adaptation to climate change/

  • Vulnerable Communities pilot

    The pilot program will:
    Provide targeted financial and advisory services to vulnerable communities to reduce exposure to climate related risks (eg extreme heat, storms, flooding) through leveraging State or Federal Government assistance for housing upgrades and ink vulnerable community members with existing Council and other social services and programs Provide an evaluated program model for implementation across other local government areas to assist Victoria’s most vulnerable community members

Climate Change Action Plan Video