About our 2024-25 Budget

Council has released its draft 2024/25 Budget for community consultation. The draft 2024/25 Budget includes almost $25 million in capital works projects and reaffirms our ongoing commitment to mitigating the impact of climate change.

Through prudent cost containment and targeted efficiencies, Council will sustain its level of service to the community and maintain rates within the State Government rate cap of 2.75 per cent.

The draft Budget provides for total expenditure of $103.6 million, including almost $25 million on capital works. It projects an operating surplus of $4.3 million with a small underlying deficit of $66,000. Council has been impacted by increasing expenses, which are sitting at levels well above the State Government mandated rate cap of 2.75 per cent and stagnant non-rates income growth. A strict cost containment discipline in conjunction with targeted efficiencies has enabled the development of a balanced budget for 2024/25.

How to provide your feedback:

  • Provide a submission to Council online below.
  • Send a submission to Council via email at basscoast@basscoast.vic.gov.au, drop in to one of our Customer Service Offices or post to Bass Coast Shire Council, 76 McBride Avenue, Wonthaggi 3995.
  • Ask a question online below and response will be provided.

Next steps

If you choose to have your submission heard by Council you will be asked to present on 22 May 2024.

Submissions will be reviewed prior to the final Annual Budget, Fees and Charges and Annual Action Plan is presented to Council for consideration at the June Council meeting.

Budget highlights

Icons showing four images of categories and dollar spend for annual budget.

Q & A

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Joseph Kay

Coordinator Finance

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