Project Summary

Bass Coast Shire Council appointed SR Excavations Pty Ltd under annual supply contract to carry out road pavement renewal works (Stage 2) on Berrys Beach Road, Ventnor. This project is a continuation of previous road renewal works along Berrys Beach Road which were completed in July 2022.

  • The aim of this project is to ensure the rural road network is safe and sustainable for the community into the future and appropriate levels of service are maintained.

This project is part of Council’s adopted 2023/24 Capital Works Program and is jointly funded by the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCIP) Phase 4A ($674,000) and Bass Coast Shire Council ($153,000).

What to expect

  • Pre-commencement works (service locations, site mobilisation, traffic sign installation and vegetation clearing) in the week starting 8 April 2024.
  • Approved vegetation clearing (from the edge of road to open swale) associated with the drainage works. All approved permits/consents/vegetation offsets have been secured.
  • Trim, shape and grade open swale drains to improve drainage flows within this area.
  • 900 metres of road pavement renewal by adding crush rock overlay and foam bitumen stabilisation to the existing road pavement. Foam bitumen stabilisation is a road construction technique whereby bitumen is used to bind the existing or imported pavement material to produce a flexible pavement material, particularly for road rehabilitation.
  • Road spray sealing works, including line marking and other associated road infrastructure works.
  • Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place during these works. A full road closure between the roundabout and Ventnor Road will be required for the stabilisation works. This is expected to occur from 15 April until 10 May 2024.
  • A construction zone will be established and for your own safety, there will be road detours in place. We ask road users to plan their journey due to the road closure and detours. Please obey and follow all detours and traffic control measures onsite. Variable Message Signs (VMS) will be placed onsite to inform road users of the upcoming works. As always, local and emergency vehicle access to properties will be maintained at all times. A traffic management plan for the road closure and expected detours has been attached.
  • The use of heavy plant and machinery including noisy and vibration works for construction including stabilisation, earthworks and use of trucks for removal or delivery of materials etc.

Location of Works

Progress Photos