Project Summary

Bass Coast Shire Council has appointed Super Paving (Vic) Pty Ltdto undertake the construction of the new footpath stretching between Cashin Street and Ocean View Court along Toorak Road/Venus Street, Inverloch. Construction is scheduled to commence in February 2025 and scheduled for completion in May 2025, subject to favourable weather, contractor and supplier availability.

Thank you for your patience during the construction period. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions prior to or during the project.

About the Project:

  • The new pathway project is a direct response to community’s demand. Walking has been identified as the most popular activity in the Shire, as highlighted in the Council’s Tracks and Trails Strategy 2022, the Active Bass Coast Strategy 2018-28, and the 2021-25 Council Plan engagement.
  • This project aims to significantly improve safety and accessibility for all path users, enhancing connectivity and enabling pedestrians to travel safely from the western side of Inverloch to the foreshore and the town activity centre.
  • Construction of new concrete 1.5 metre footpath linking the existing concrete footpaths on Toorak Road.
  • Construction of 2 new pedestrian refuge islands at Cashin Street-Toorak Road and Abbott Street-Toorak Road intersections.
  • Modification of services/pit and associated infrastructure along the path alignment (as required)

The total project cost is $270,000 which is fully funded by Council.

  • Two trees located at No. 11 and No. 17 Toorak Road are set to be removed. We've already notified the abutting landowners and obtained the necessary planning permit for this process. Additionally, we've secured vegetation offsets to compensate for the removal. Looking ahead, Stage 2 of the project will include some street tree planting, which is scheduled to take place in winter 2025. This will not only help in maintaining the greenery but also enhance the overall aesthetics of the area.
  • Some existing concrete driveways will be replaced with plain reinforced concrete. This will be done at no cost to the property owner. The replacement is necessary to ensure the correct cross fall and to match the new levels required for the pathway.
  • Access to your property will be restricted for a four-day period after the concrete is poured. This is to allow the concrete to set properly before any vehicles can use the driveway. Our contractor will notify you in advance of any works that will affect access to your property.
  • Throughout the duration of the works, appropriate traffic and pedestrian control measures will be in place, including reduced speed limits to ensure safety. Rest assured that local residents and emergency services will always have access during the construction period.

Stage 2 Alignment

Stage 2 Alignment

Progress Photos